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FREE For NinjaTrader Sim, Replay, Demo trading, view pricing for AlgoFuturesTrader, AlphaWebTrader, AlgoSignalTrader & ATS Universal Licenses get it all!

ATS Flexible pricing

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Pricing for Get Funded Accelerator - for Apex or Bulenox rithmic evaluation trading
Save up to 80% off the universal licenses (ATS) via the "Get Funded Accelerator" monthly subscription for use with NinjaTrader Hybrid Automated Trading for Apex or Bulenox rithmic prop firm evaluation trading accounts, all in one ATS Combo universal license for all products, VIP Trading Group via monthly subscriptions.

Pricing for ATS Universal License
Compare Price Plans for AFT |  Compare Price Plans for AWT
ATS Universal Combo all in one license providing access to all products, NinjaTrader Hybrid Automated Trading and Cloud Trdaing Systems, VIP Trading Group, and subscriptions:
Essentials, Premium and Ultimate; available in monthly, annual, onetime & 0% interest payment plans; price ranges start from $95 per month!

0% Flexible Price Plans

Provide the full power of a One-Time subscription over 10 payments - can be paused and continued, automatically stops after 10 payments are collected!
N.B: ATS OneOff Lifetime includes 1 year of AWT/AST cloud based products, includes one-off lifetime for AFT desktop for NinjaTrader - view optional annual renewal*

Pricing for AlgoFuturesTrader
Compare Price Plans for AFT
NinjaTrader Hybrid Automated Trading, AFT Licenses providing access to VIP Trading Group and AFT subscriptions:
Essentials, Premium and Ultimate; available in monthly, annual & onetime; price ranges start from $50per month.

Pricing for AlphaWebTrader
Compare Price Plans for AWT
AWT licenses providing access to VIP Trading Group and subscriptions:
Essentials, Premium and Ultimate; available in monthly, annual price ranges start from $50 per month.

Pricing for AlgoSignalTrader
AST licenses providing access to Algo Signal Trader Group and subscriptions:
Essentials available in monthly & annual price ranges start from $20per month.

Pricing for Renewals

ATS OneOff/Lifetime Annual Renewal

AFT OneOff/LifeTime Annual Renewal

*Optional Annual Maintenance for OneTime Lifetime Licenses

Monthly, Annual already include all the below, lifetime one-time includes all the below for the first year and purchase is purely optional and it can be decided after year 1. Note without renewal all main core features still work and function. Optional Annual maintenance covers all renewable services and product upgrades and updates such as the following:
  • Applicable to lifetime/OneTime licenses, 1st year includes annual maintenance and priority support, for combo universal included for AFT/AWT/AST cloud based systems
  • Version Upgrade assurance e.g. AFT8 to AFT9 no upgrade fees usually 35% of the full price
  • ATS VIP Trading Group Access
  • AST VIP Trading Group Access
  • Priority support
  • New Products & systems
  • Product New Features
  • AFT Annual Maintenance
    • AFT Major Version Upgrade Assurance
    • AFT New Features Access
    • AFT Live Trading Advanced Trading Features
      • AFT Algo Trade Entry - renew
      • AFT Algo Trade Manager - renew
    • VIP Settings/Stats/Workspaces R&D
    • VIP Algo Support
    • API AWT Link
  • For ATS OneTime purchase - 1st year included for AWT/AST cloud based systems
    AWT/AST Lifetime requires annual renewal for:
    • Essentials,Premium,Ultimate Features
    • Web, Desktop, Mobile real-time
    • API Link Access AFT8 to AWTLink
    • Desktop real-time access
    • AWT real-time Data real-time renewal
    • Trade Signals to inbox, mobile, desktop
    • New Feature Access

Annual Renewal For Pay Plans

Note: For Lifetime purchased via a payment plan, the annual renewal date is month 12 for a plan of 10 months, or 2 months after the end of the pay plan for longer

Annual Price Adjustments

Note: annual pricing costs are subject to annual re-evaluation inline with new release features and inflationary costs, for viable sustainable quality and services.

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ATS Help Desk: Pricing Discovery